CAGD 370

Post Mortem

As the level designer of this project I found that creating the levels for the game was a lot less time consuming than actually focusing on the game mechanics of the game actually functioning correctly. I spent most of my time worrying about creating the annotated maps of the multiple levels I created. There was a point in time were I couldn't figure out what I should do considering the amount of free time that I had, and compared to the programmer I had too much free time near the end. In the beginning portion however, I had to focus a lot on creating the level within unity, attempting to scale it to the player as well as trying to figure out how the colliders should behave with the player. Overall it took some time to adjust the levels just right, up until I noticed what was going on in the first playtest. There were many parts of the first level that gave players a sense of confusion on the direction that they were supposed to go, the majority of players went to the left versus the right of the level, eventually the ran into several other problems including the movement of the player becoming very buggy and hard to control. Then the issue with the enemies totally resetting the level rather than deleting the players. In time I ended up having to work on the programming end in order to focus on the working mechanics of the game rather than the aesthetics of the game. Starting on the checkpoint system as well as the player death which wasn't working correctly, then moving onto the moving platform mechanic and boulder obstacles. Soon after I had to figure out how to create the second and third levels before the final playtest. Although I had annotated maps of the levels I realized there was much more adjusting to do within the scaling of the level in the unity project itself.

In Development what I felt went right the most was the problem solving that me and my team had to worry about. We ran into many issues involving the programming aspect of the levels therefore me and my team had to be rather innovating in finding new solutions the the problems we faced after using online tutorials to help. Using our existing knowledge of C# it was the best we could do and in the end it eventually worked out in our favor. 

Part 1. Written Component
Take this opportunity to discuss your craft in a professional blog post. From a designer/programmer/modeler perspective: Write in detail how the process of making a mobile game has gone to date. Write a Postmortem. 
In a postmortem it is traditional to discuss these three questions:
In Development, What Went Right? (Basically what worked?)
In Development, What Went Wrong? (Basically what didn't work?)
What would I do differently in the future? (If you had a chance to do it all over what would you change? Or not change?)

Sprint 4 -5

During the 4th spring me and my group had to focus much more on the mechanics and functionality of the game rather than the art style as well as level design. So everyone was given a programming task to help take the load off of our team programmer, Matthew. My task was to help create the checkpoint system, menu system, as well as help create a moving platform feature/mechanic. I ran into more problems than I understood when using the first YouTube tutorial. For whatever reason I couldn't figure out why the checkpoint system continuously respawned the player in the level start spawn. I would change the values in the inspector and add the Checkpoint sprite as the location to respawn at, which would work. However, it would also cause the player to always respawn there, even at the beginning of  running the unity scene which wasn't the plan. Shown below are the checkpoint sprites that I had created in order to signify that the player has reached a checkpoint in the level.

What I had planned to do within the code I created for the checkpoints was to delete the red checkpoint flag as the player collides with the flag and replace it with a green checkpoint. Apart from this I had created a moving platform in order to fit with the theme within the second level of our game, given many portions of it involve the moving platforms. What I had created after was a working moving platform system that involved making the platform move from one x position to another repeatedly, parenting the player object to it, and then removing the parent when the player leaves it's collider. Shown below is the code I had created for the checkpoint system through the second tutorial that I had to follow on YouTube taking a bit more time than I anticipated, however working in the end.

The next thing that I had to focus on was creating the code for the moving platforms on a script that allowed me to create a prefab of only one platform that allowed me to choose the start and end points for the platform rather than it being set to one specific point on the X-axis. This is a problem I realized only after trying to add my old moving platform code on different x points within the level. Shown below is the code that I had created for the moving platform as well as the code I added to the player movement system in order for the player to work nicely with the platform.

After attempting to recreate the moving platform system I had created this code in order to allow me to control the paths any moving platform would take.

Unfortunately, although there were no compiler errors within this code it still was having issues within unity for whatever reason, something I will have to get help on later and figure out soon. Since I wasn't necessarily able to get the functionality of the game working right, I had decided making a level 2 was not the highest priority at the moment so I decided to hold off on that until my moving platform system is fixed. In the meantime I decided to totally rework the first level of the game in order to give players a much more clear direction of where they must head towards. Shown below is the new level 1 I had created in response to the first two digital prototype playtests.
Shown below is the Trello board, we had changed the cards to include more programming from the designers ends because we were running into many functionality issues throughout the game. Overall however, we managed to get a big amount of work done for this sprint and our final couple sprints our plan is to complete every prefab necessary in order to create more levels in unity to make it a longer more enjoyable experience for the player. Once we finish this, with whatever time we have left we plan on adding as many levels as we can as well as new features that weren't the priority towards the beginning of this development cycle.

Sprint 3

During our third sprint me and my group had put together a unity package that we could all add our own adjustments to. Since during the digital prototype class, we had issues combining my created level in Sprint 2 with our programmer Matthew's code. For whatever reason it wasn't behaving correctly until we recreated the entire level in Matthew's Unity project. Even though we changed the labeling of everything we still couldn't figure that out. So moving on we decided the best course of action for the next portion of this assignment would be to create everything on Matthew's unity project moving on.

My task this week was creating the second level for our game, I had created an annotated map but before I implemented it into Unity I began playtesting the timing for the level in regards to the Torch pickup system. A task I put off later in Sprint 2. Eventually I realized that the timing had to be adjusted, however with the movement system of the enemies still in place the timing of everything is still rather up in the air at the moment. Shown below is the annotated map of the 2nd level I have created on an annotated map. 

There were a couple new features that I had added for this level, one being the moving platform while the other being spikes. Since I realized that not every area in a level would fit the theme of having pitfall traps I added spikes just to increase the variability. As well as making it more obvious for the player to understand where to go and not to go. The reason being that the bottom level of the annotated level is incomplete is because I wanted to brainstorm that portion while I was putting the level together in unity. Since the timing and placement of the torches will have to be drastically changed in order to provide a challenging and also fun experience for the player, I realized that it would be best to determine the timing of the last portion of the level as I'm blocking it out in Unity.

In Trello we had set a point system up so we can determine what tasks require the most work and time required of a team member versus those that don't. We broke it up into 1 point cards and 3 point cards. For this Sprint we had created 9 one point cards along with 5 three point cards. Shown below is the cards we have in progress as well as completed.

My 3 point task for the Sprint was experimenting with the spacing/timing of the level since it will be quite a tedious process to move all blocks in a way that the player can navigate around the obstacles with a challenge without being too easy. A few of my one point tasks included creating the second level with more difficulty than the first as well as creating some form of a variation between the levels, adding newer features and obstacles as the player progresses. Overall I feel I achieved this goal, however it relies entirely on whether or not we will be able to get these new features mechanics working. Though I doubt it will be very difficult given the simplicity of the features.

Overall the plan for the rest of this sprint is to get the lighting system working in order to do further playtesting to refine our timing and spacing of obstacles within the level. Once we have this done we can look into adding new features as we will have more free time for it. My plan for the next sprint apart from continuing my playtesting is to create a third and possibly final map (depending on how the next sprints go).

Sprint 2 

During our second sprint there was a lot of work that me and my group had to catch up on. Throughout the week we had divided the work accordingly and planned our own deadline by Sunday on the fourth. By the time Sunday came around we had completed well over 80 percent of what we had originally planned for ourselves. Taking a look below is the work that I was focused on for the week.

What I have here is basically a blocked out version of the original annotated map that I had came up with during the paper prototype phase (Shown Below).

There were several changes I made to the map, mainly focusing on the last portion, however I did make a few adjustments and added some swinging ropes here and there for better player navigation. Apart from this I had also tried to adjust the collider boxes for the level as some were overlapping others meaning it may be a spot where the player might be able to phase through colliders allowing them to fall through the map. Shown below is an outline of the objects in the level.

The Cards that are still in progress are what we plan on moving into sprint 3, because since I originally planned on testing the movement I was reliant on my peer to create the movement system while I set up the level. Unfortunately we weren't able to combine our unity projects together to begin this. However, Our programmer did manage to get a lot of the programming finished and working by Sunday evening. The next plan for us is to begin combining all of our work into one Unity project in order to continue with Sprint 3 on a good pace. Shown Below is our Trello Board for the week.

So far the process of creating a Trello board with a team has been a bit different than what I was exposed to in my 373 Class. I had learned to create User stories involving seeing through the perspective of a player in what they want. Such as, "As a Player, I would like to see.....". From before I was told to create cards with tasks for each member of the group, yet this seems much more organized and practical. As the team lead I had helped throughout the week by trying to answer questions through my teams discord group chat as well as thinking of times that we could meet up in order to catchup on the work we had assigned to us. We had decided that after our class on Thursday we would a reasonable time. During that meeting time we had set an imaginary deadline by the end of the day to finish at least a few of our own cards. I managed to get the unity layout partially finished however I had completed it by the end of the day. On Sunday I had gotten to moving around the colliders and obstacles in the scene to prevent any unanticipated bugs. 

The last thing that I helped with was the creation of the UI layout. Although Matthew had drawn out the layout on some paper, me and Mari were brainstorming ideas of how the UI would look as well as how much text should be shown at once. We concluded that we should try to stray away from cluttering the players screen with too much text. So what we decided to do is spread out the text from just one side of the screen to both. This still hasn't gotten implemented in Unity so eventually we will figure out the final layout. Show above is a screenshot of the rough UI draft.

Sprint 1

During this first week we began working on deciding what the paper prototype would actually look like, there were many different ideas however the one we set in stone was creating a photoshop document in order to accurately showcase the lighting effect we were trying to showcase. What's shown below is an example of that lighting. Shown on the left is the effect of the player running out of time, where their torch has gone out. And shown on the right is an example of the field of view after the player has collected their first torch.

The process of creating the paper prototype through zoom posed quite a challenge for my team, because having to innovate and imagine a way we could show off our prototype was rather different since we couldn't technically be in person. In my experience level designing this process didn't seem to be anything I was surprised by. The only difference however is that, I created the level while following a set schedule that was created in Trello. In Trello I was assigned as the team lead, a role I was already familiar with. So I created a routine my teammates mutually agreed on. We had decided a couple times to plan outside of class to meetup in order to get some ideas planned out for our prototype. eventually we came up with a photoshop document that allowed the player to experience the layout of the map as it would be at its bare bones. 

What was assigned to me according to the cards that I created in Trello were, Creating the smaller movement mechanics of the game, Some of which being "swinging on a rope", however the playtests did not see it that way. Regardless I created the entire layout of the map including many of the different obstacles the player had to avoid. Much of it included obstacles  the player would have to swing and jump across, however there are a few enemies we've had in mind.

Part 1. Written Component

Take this opportunity to discuss your craft in a professional blog post. From a designer/programmer/modeler perspective: Write in detail how the process of making a mobile game has gone to date. Has this process been different in your experience to date? If so, how? If not, why not? Do you think that may change? 

Some of the things you could consider writing about:

All tasks assigned to you 

Completed Cards

Cards in progress

Incomplete cards

Issues/Problems/Solutions encountered
