
377 Mobile Game Development

Blog 3 During the next couple sprints I ran into a pretty bad setback, not only for myself but my team as well. My boot drive, which also had all my progress done in Unity encounter a S.M.A.R.T. error meaning I only had two options, toss the drive because of it's imminent failure, or attempt to recover the data and toss the drive after. Unfortunately all my progress that was spent on programming the abilities was all lost though I was finished with them. And this setback happened after the first half of sprint 5. Which means I wasn't even able to screenshot my work. None the less I had some work done during that time. After using the break to fix my computer and reinstall windows on a new boot drive I began trying to catchup on my work. However, since I got a good amount of help from a colleague that is proficient in C# before my computer issues, when I tried doing the code myself on my own, I ran into a lot of trouble since my colleague was too busy with his own work to help ...

470 Video Game production

Sprint 6 During the 6th sprint I had basically finished most of the textures for the 2nd level. The biggest problem that I came across however was that my boot drive failed with a "S.M.A.R.T" error meaning the drive may corrupt the data, and must be changed immediately. Because of this I was unable to use my computer to showcase my work through screenshots. However, I was able to send a few screenshots of the work I asked my lead Ben about, among those were the tower textured, and the new rock island textured, alongside a variant of the textured rock island for the 2nd desert-themed level. The screenshot isn't up to date however since I don't currently have access to the texture. Although I'm only showing only a few of the screenshots, I did manage to get some more work done. I had basically finished the cactus, the obelisk( textures not exported) , the tower, and the two platforms. In total,6 points. Sprint 5 During this sprint I basically worked on a lot of mo...