CAGD 170 Playtest

Hello, my name is Amir and the alternate version of solitaire that my partner Alejandro have created is named "Scorpion Solitaire". Like solitaire, in Scorpion Solitaire you must sort the cards from the highest face value to the smallest value. We altered the rules in such a way that allows the player to draw more cards from the deck using the Three Draw rule, move around decks, and also by changing the value of the Ace card to 1 and/or 14 also known as a Scorpion Ace . As a group we've decided to specifically target the audience that enjoys strategy games. Preferably being "The Achiever" player which is defined as the player who plays for varying levels of achievement. To begin describing the Play testers experience I will explain the Three Card Rule, along with an image to help better illustrate the rule. The three card rule states that you get to take one card off the field and choose one from the three previously drawn cards. This rule is optional since i...